What is WCSEA Life Studios?
WCSEA LIFE Studios is a business venture that was started to provide meaningful employment opportunities for the young adults with disabilities who participate in the Woodford County Special Education Association (WCSEA) LIFE Transition Program. The young people involved in this business take part in all aspects from design, production, packaging and delivery of items ordered. What started as a way to give the students something fun and meaningful to do, has quickly grown to become a major part of the program's weekly schedule.
Providing real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent living skills to help young adults with significant disabilities make successful transitions from school to adult life. |
WCSEA LIFE is a transition program that services students aged 18-22 who have completed their academic requirements for high school graduation. Any student serviced through a Woodford County Special Education school district would be eligible to participate. The program focuses on the development of Independent Living and Employment Skills. Portions of the day are spent in the classroom as well as in various community based learning environments. |