S.T.E.P. Program
Kali Latham, Vocational Specialist
What is S.T.E.P?
Through a joint agreement between the Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services and the Woodford County Special Education Association, students learn skills and experiences to help provide meaningful work, independent living, and full community participation after high school. Who is eligible? High school students with disabilities who meet the Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services criteria are eligible to participate in the S.T.E.P. program. http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=29727 |
Program Goals
Role of a Job Coach
If a student is able to work in the community during school hours, WCSEA may be able to provide a job coach to accompany him or her to various work experiences to ensure successful learning of vocational skills. If schedules can be arranged, a job coach will work on skills like promptness, appropriate dress, workplace behavior and attitude, and other specific job-related tasks. Employers Are Critical Local businesses are key to learning on-site tasks and job related skills needed for a successful vocational future. In cooperation with the S.T.E.P. program, employers take an active role in the education and vocational development of the community youth. Please see the attached information on how this program can benefit your company. If you are a business owner who is interested in partnering with us, please call Kali Latham, Vocational Specialist, at 309-303-1480 x110 |
- Woodford County Special Education Association | Kali Latham, Vocational Specialist | 309-367-4901 ext. 110
- Woodford County Special Education Association | Megan Donnelli, Job Coach| 309-367-4901