The meeting was called to order by chairman , Mr. Dan Mair on February 9, 2017 at 8:03 a.m.
Members present: Dr. Michel le Lee Dr. Dan Oakle y
Mr. Parker Dietrich Dr. Rohn Peterson Mr. Dan Mair
Mr. Randy Toepke Mr. Bob Bardwell
Members not present:
Mr. Martin Payne #I
Others present:
Mr. Eric Scroggs, Executive Director
Sally Mathen ey, Special Education Administrator
Moved by Mr. Bardwell, seconded by Mr. Diet rich, to approve the Executive Committee meeting minutes of January 11 , 2017; the bills, treasurer"s reports and financial reports of February 9, 2017; and the destruction of Executive Session Audio Recordings Older than 18 months. All present voted "yea" on
roll call vote.
Moved by Dr. Oakley, seconded by Dr. Lee, to approve Mille r, Hall , & Triggs as the attorney firm representing Woodford County Special Education Asso ciation, effective February 9, 2017. All present voted "yea" on roll call vote.
Mr. Mair and the Director provided an update on the possibility of the ROE Safe School housing classrooms at the Germantown Facility.
The Director provided and update of renovation costs.
The Director provided an update on remaining opening for the 20I 7-18 year. A school nurse and custodian for the new facility are the primary positions at this time . A teaching position and paraprofessionals will likely be needed, but the Director will not seek those positions until fim1 enrollment numbers are available .
The Director indicated that the IDEA Needs Assessment would be sent to superintendents as soon as th e professional development portion of the survey is finalized.
The Director indicated that the ACES Administrative Panel would take place on May 2nd. The Director will send information, as the time gets closer to recruit district administrators to participate on the panel.
The Director submitted the resignation for Jennifer Jewell, School Psychologist , effective at the end of the 2016-17 schoo l year.
The Director submitted the 2016-17 seniority list.
A motion was made by Dr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Dietrich to enter into Executive Session at 8:27 a.m. for the purposes of Discussing Employment of Employees (Illinois Open Meetings Act, 8 JLCS 120/2(c)(1). All present voted " yea."
A motion was made by Dr. Oakley, seconded by Mr. Dietric to enter back into open session at 8:40 a.m. All present voted "yea." No action was taken out of Executive Session.
There being no further business, on a motion by Mr. Lee, seconded by Dr. Oak ley , the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. All present voted "yea".