Woodford County Special Education Association


October 12, 2016, 8:00 a.m., WCSEA Offi ce

lhe meeting was called to order by chairman. Mr. Dan Mair on October 1 2. 2016 at

8:02 a.m.

;'vfembr:rs present: Dr. Michelle Lee Dr. Dan Oakley Mr. Parker Dietrich Dr. Rohn Peterson Mr. Dan Mair

Mr. Randy Toepke Mr. Bob Bardwe ll







#14 0

.,\,/emhers 1101 present:

Mr. Martin Payne #I

Others present:

Mr. Eric Scroggs. Executive Director

Andrea Hartnett. Special Education Administrator

Moved by Dr. Oakley. seconded by Mr. Toepke. to approve the Executive Committee meeting minutes of September 8. 2016. the bills. treasurer' s reports and financial repo rts of October 12. 2016 . and the destruction or

Executive Session Audio Recordings Older than 18 months. All present voted "yea" on roll call vote.

The Directo r provided an overview of the rY 16 Annual Financial Repo rt. A motion was made by fvlr. Toepke:. seco nded by Mr. Bardwell. to approve the 2015-16 WCSEA Annual Financial Report as presented. A l l present voted "yea" on roll ca ll vote.

The Director provided an update on the WCSEA / Easter Seals facility . The lea se is cunently being developed by the cooperative attorney. WCSEA is beginning stakeholder planning for the new facility begin ning tonight. These planning sessions will develop aspects of the building including renovations. cmriculum. and procedure s. Mr. Mair indicated that the Germantown building project is still on track to he completed by the end of the school year to allow WCSEA to im mediately get in for renovations and mov ing in over the summ er.

The board discussed English Language Learning requirements. The Director referred to the administrative training that was conducted in September that provided an overview of eligibility and program requirem ents and indicated that WCSEA is willing to help in any way necessary with regards to ELL stude nts.

The Director indicated that he is representing !AASE on the sta keho lder Funding Commissio n group. He asked the superin tendents of the board to provide any feedback they have as the proposals are coming fon,vard from the commission and legislature.

The Director thanked the s uperinte ndents for making arrangements for teachers and administrators to attend th WCSEA trainin gs held in September, The trainings were a success and elicited a lot of good conve rsation and ideas for improvement of practices with regards to Rt!, special educat ion se rvices, and writing sound lEPs.

The Director submitted the Personnel Repo11, including the resignation of Physical Therapist Assistant. Michelle Whittington. effective October 20, 2016.

Moved by Dr. Peterson: seconded by Mr. Dietrich to enter into executive session at 8:27 a.m. to enter into Executive Session for the Purposes or Discussing Employment of Employees. and Discussing the Purchast" or

Lease of Real Property by the Cooperative (lllinois Open t'v!eelings Act. 5 TLCS 120 /2(c)( I)( 5). All present voted "yea''..

Moved by Mr. Toepke: seconded by Dr. Oakley to enter back into open session at 8:41 a.m. All present voted "yea". No ,-tction was taken as a result of executive session.


There being no further business. on a motion by rvtr. Dietrich. seconded hy Mr. Toepke. the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 a.m. Al l present voted "yea".


Chairman image