Woodford County Special Education Association


December 7, 2016, 8:00 a.m., WCSEA Office

The meeting was called to order by chairman , Mr. Dan Mair on December 7, 2016 at 8:00 a.m.

Members present: Mr. Martin Payne Dr. Mic helle Lee Dr. Dan Oakley Mr. Parker Dietric h Dr. Rohn Peterson Mr. Dan Mair

Mr. Randy Toepke Mr. Bob Bardwell


#2 Arrived at 8:12 a.m.







Members not present:


Others present:

Mr. Eric Scroggs, Executive Director

Kelli Peterson, Special Education Administrator

Moved by Dr. Oakle y, seconded by Mr. Die trich, to approve the Executive Committee meetin g minute s of November 10, 2016, the bills, treasurer' s reports and financial reports of December 7, 2016, and the destruction of Executive Sessio n Audio Recordings Older than 18 months . All present voted "yea" on roll call vote.

Mrs. Peterson, WCSEA Administra tor , provided information on rostering and training for the OLM. The new code for cooperative placements is in effect this year and will hopefully allow for a smoother testing process.

The Director provided an update on the WCSEA/Easter Seals facilit y. He indicated that the planning committees are meeting and providing recommendations to different aspects of the facility. WCSEA adminis tration will meet with district administrators on December 12th at 8:30 to provide information on the placement options and begin discussing these optio ns with parents. The director provided the board with the WCSEA ED/BD program brochure, ED/BD NonĀ­ Member District Agreement, and WCSEA office sale/lease brochure. Mr. Mair indicated that the GH construction is on target for completion in March.

The Director presented a first reading on IASB PRESS Policy revisions, which will be adopted in January . The policy numbers that will be revised are: 2:200, 4:60, 4:175, 5:I 0, 5:60, 5:100,

5:125, 5:185, 5:190, 5:250, 5:260, 5:280, 5:330, 6:340, 7:70, 7:310 , 7:315 , 8:30, 8:70.

The Director provided a brief review of the WCSEA/District Rtl meetings that have taken place so far. He thanked those who have participated and believes this is a useful process, and would like to participate in this review annually.

The Director reminded the board members to submit their distr ic t' s IDEA Excess Cost worksheets to WCSEA by Christmas Break. The final submission is due to ISBE by January 31s t and the Director will submit on behalf of each district.

The Director enco uraged the distri ct administrators to provide feedback to WCSEA

administration for PPS evaluations. He indicated that this information is very useful in ensuring a high quality of service s to member dis tricts.

The Director provided an update on his professional activities, including representing IAASE as a Stakeholder on the Governor's Funding Commission, and participation on the statewide Special Education Blueprint Committee, which is developing a special education program

evaluation instrument and process.

A motion was made by Dr. Oakley, seco nded by Mr. Payne to enter into Executive Session at 8:40 a.m. for the purposes of Discussing Employment of Employees (Illinoi s Open Meetings Act, 8 ILCS 120/2(c)(l ). All present voted " yea."

A motion was made by Mr. Dietrich, seconded by Dr. Oakley to enter back into open session at 9:04 a.m. All present voted " yea." No action was taken out of Executive Session.

Dr. Lee left at 9:04 a.m.

There being no further busine ss, on a motion by Mr. Dietrich, seconded by Mr. Payne, the meeting was adjourned at 9:17 a.m. All present voted "yea".



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