Woodford County Special Education Association


March 9, 2017, 8:00 a.m., WCSEA Office

The meetin g was called to order by chainn an, Mr. Dan Mair on March 9, 2017 at 8:00 a.m.

Members present: Mr. Martin Payne Dr. Michelle Lee Dr. Dan Oakley Mr. Parke r Dietr ich D r. Rohn Peterson Mr. Dan Mair

Mr. Randy Toepke Mr. Bob Bardwel I




#21 arrived at 8:02 a.m.



#122 arrived at 8:0 I a.m.


Members not present:

Others present:

Mr. Eric Scroggs. Execut ive Director

Maureen Wha le n, Special Education Administrator Andrea Ha rtnett. Special Education Administrator DAndrea Derr, ACES Parent Group

Moved by Dr. Oakley, seconded by Mr. Bardwe ll, to approve the Executive Committee meeting m inute s of March 9, 2017; the bills, treasurer's reports and financial reports of April 12 , 2017: and the destruction of Executive Session Audio Reco rding s Older than 18 months. All present voted "yea" on roll call vote.

Mrs. Whalen provided an update on the Pre-Kand PI grants. The Rf P for recompete were suppos ed to come out in January, but are still not out. There is concern that Woodford County does not meet the demog raphic and co mm unity reso urces criteria for the grants and fundin g may be in jeo pard y. WCSEA is reaching out to neighboring distric ts with Pl grants to consolidate services to meet the new proposed staffing requirements. R!Fs will take place and cont ingenc y plans will be proposed to the board dur ing upcoming meetings if the grant is not approved by the start of sc hoo l in A ug ust, or iffunding is cut.

The Director provided an update from the Fina nce Committee meetin g with Mr. Bardw e ll and Mr. Mair on February 28, 2017. The director reviewe d the Support Services mod el and received feedback from the board on how to structure the O T / PT portion of the budget. The director provid ed data on different method s of billing. The board indicated that the method of billing base d on district population would be appropriate. The director also reviewed speech billing method s and the board decided to continue the

current method of billing based on actual costs of the SLP plac e d in the district.

The Director discussed the pote ntia l of the ROE Safe School being hou sed at the GH Elementary Facility and the WCSEA offices not moving from the current location in Metamora. The board gave the Direct o r the discretion to make the decision to not move the offices as long as the decisio n was fisca lly feasible.

Moved by Mr. Bardwe ll, seco nded by Dr. Pete rson, to approve the administrative contracts for Andrea Hartnett, Mauree n Whale n, Kelli Peterson, Sally Matheney, and Kristin Fehr for the 2017-18 school year. All present voted "yea" on roll call vote.

Moved by Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Dietrich, to approve the employment of April Doty as Part-Time School Nurse for the 2017-18 school year, pending completion of JSBE requirements. The position will be split with Easte r Seals. All present voted "yea" on roll call vote.

Moved by Mr. Toepke, seconded by Mr. Dietrich, to approve the tlooring contrac t for the Germantown Facility with Knapp Flooring and Tile for the amount of $37,710 , of which $24,820 will be paid by WCSEA and the remainder by Easter Seals. All present voted "yea" on roll call vote, except for Dr.

Oakley who voted ·'no".

Moved by Dr. Oa kley , seconde d by Mr. Bardwell, to approve the Resolution for the Reduction in Force of Professionally Licensed Teac hers Susan Messer, Carole Hanlon, and Rebecca Speerly for the 2017-18 school year. All present voted "yea" on roll call vote.

Moved by Mr. Payne, seconded by Dr. Oakley, to approve the Resolution for the Reduction in Force of Educational Support Personnel Julie Fandel, Amy Stimpert, and Stacey Scott for the 2017-18 school year. All present voted "yea" on roll call vote .


The Director let the superinte nde nts know that the IDEA Need s Assessment and Professional Development surveys will be sent out, with completion requested by April 5th

The Director provided the tentative Administrative and PPS assignments to the board for the 2017-18 yea r.

The Director submitted the resignation of Jennifer Drake, Technology S uppo rt, effective May 15 , 2017.

There being no further business, on a motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Toepke, the meeting was adjourned at 9:08 a.m. All present voted "yea".




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